Saturday, January 31, 2009

My God, I'm sorry.

O my God,I am heartily sorry forhaving offended Thee,and I detest all my sins,because I dread the loss of heaven,and the pains of hell;but most of all becausethey offend Thee, my God,Who are all good anddeserving of all my love.I firmly resolve,with the help of Thy grace,to confess my sins,to do penance,and to amend my life.


PaulSceptic said...

Make sure to do some penance for calling me an a-hole on my blog. And don't forget to denounce Paul's false teachings in Romans 9.

Mark P. Shea said...


Try showing some mercy if you want to receive it from God.


Well done.

Rhology said...

I urge you to place all of your trust in Jesus and NONE of your trust in your own merit or the merit of any other mere person. Jesus alone can save.
